Monday, November 19, 2007

Solar for everyone - who has an unshaded roof

There's been quite a surge of new customers (as you can see, we're close to 25,500!)for Citizenre solar panels recently after we appeared on Ed Begley’s Living with Ed show (if you want to sign up, please use the link here in my blog instead of his, which will assign you to a random person.)

I've found a lot more possitive blogs and articles like these recently as well:The last blogger in her research (just Google "Citizenre") found a lot of negative griping. You have to move down to page 3 or 4 to get to the positive articles. If you check the date on the negative articles, you will find that most of them were last spring.

I’ve been with the company since January. In February, a disgruntled (but valued) Ecopreneur named Richard George (whose name appears often in skeptical articles) quit, apparentely because he wasn’t asked to be on the management team, or his expertise wasn't being paid for at least. He spread around a lot of untruthful rumors at the time, which were picked up by members of the solar industry, particularly a Vermont installer named Jeffrey Wolfe, who apparently feared our competition.

As far as I know we have been able to make peace with most of them since then. After all, we all have the common goal to get solar panels on as many roofs as possible – and there are enough for everyone! I always encourage people who can afford that extra mortgage to get their panels now. That will help the people on the waiting list get there faster. I've read from trusted sources that Citizenre may actually start installing before our factory is completed, since the interest and need is so great. I'll keep you posted.

A week ago I was helping my sister Lu at a green fair in Maine. Everyone we talked with was delighted with the concept and many signed up. (We hadn't anticipated the great interest, so we didn't have enough sign-up sheets, or there would have been even more!)

Solar is the way, and more and more people (besides the politicians) know it!

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