Thursday, July 19, 2007

Michael Moore is Right

The scene
A friend of mine, Karen, was out riding her motorcycle in January out to Anza Borrego in the desert to enjoy the warmth of the sun, together with her husband Stu and some of their friends.

Unfortunately, the trip ended in a disaster, which you can read about on her blog Michael Moore is Right. It turned out that their health insurance MEGA was a fraud, and they were billed as "cash patients!" If you know of others with health insurance problems like this, please send them to her blog and ask them to write comments. That would be very comforting.

There is a real health insurance problem in this country for people who don't have an employer, not because they're not working, but because they are SELF-employed!

Karen is doing a great job documenting their problems. She's a great writer. (I met her taking technical writing courses, but she decided she'd prefer the active life working with her house-painter husband.)

1 comment:

Bonnie Y said...

I thought I'd add a comment to this:
I just read a fascinating blog entry called Sicko Spurs Audiences Into Action by Josh Tyler at about his experience watching it in a Dallas suburban mall theater, sitting in front of "an obligatory cowboy hat wearing redneck in his 50s".
"Somewhere along the way, maybe at the half way point, right before my ears, Sicko changed this man's mind."

Read the blog. It's great!